Jack Everyman, Lego Agent - Part 1
An aeroplane approaches an airport runway. Nothing unusual about that, you might say.
But in fact, the plane in question is carrying a very unusual passenger.
His name is Jack Everyman. Jack serves this country as a secret agent. He's in town to meet with his colleague, Angela Branch, at the docks. Angela is working undercover with a criminal gang with terrorist leanings.
Together, she and Jack are going to bring them down.
But somehow, Jack looks a little distracted. Perhaps it's because Jack has more than his physical baggage to concern him. He also has emotional baggage.
You might even say that he has something to declare.
You see, his colleague Angela Branch is also his fiancée. But Jack has cheated on her.
Nevertheless, Jack heads for his designated locker and retrieves his mission documents. He finds a letter.
Dear Jack, the letter reads,
Look forward to seeing you at the docks and totally kicking some criminal terrorist ass.
All my love,
As you can see, Angela has a fondness for crass Americanisms. No wonder Jack has to sleep around.
But who is that shady character in the motorcycle helmet watching our hero's every move?
As Jack exits the airport, a violent explosion smashes the sky.
People are screaming. All very unpleasant. Jack knows what to do, though. He can't risk blowing his cover by stopping to help.
He's got no choice but to proceed to the docks as planned.
That motorcycle is still hot on his tail, though. I wouldn't be at all surprised if he had something to do with all the explosive unpleasantness.
Before too long, Jack arrives at the docks and introduces himself to the harbourmaster, Will Levett.
Naturally, Jack is working undercover so that nobody suspects that the harbour is under attack from killer murderers.
Levett takes Jack to see the dock's dedicated police station, where he meets Chief Inspector Salmon.
He says that there is a very valuable crate at the docks today. It contains an item of monumental cultural significance, apparently.
[Click here for Part 2]